Saturday, July 11, 2009

The Re-Conquest of the West Through Music

The Holy Father has a passion for music. He has called more than once for a re-taking of the West through the Sacred Liturgy. An integral part of this plan then, must necessarily include music. The music especially suited to the venerable Roman Liturgy is Gregorian Chant. Unfortunately, since the Second Vatican Council, Gregorian Chant has seen a great decline in the Ozarks. It is with great joy then that I announce initial steps to reclaim the territory lost by greatly expanding the use of Gregorian Chant at the Extraordinary Form Mass at the Cathedral in Springfield. At present, Mass VIII is the current "chant setting" which is ordinarily used for Holy Mass. Working with the choir much over the next few weeks, I hope to make Masses II, IV, IX, XI and XVI and the Requiem Mass a regular part of the Liturgy at St. Agnes. Included in this push for more chant will also be Credo I and a reappearance of Credo V that we saw for Father Orthel's first High Mass as well as many obscure and all but forgotten chant pieces. This will take sometime, but with the grace of God will be in full swing by January of next year. On the blog I will begin to post some different chants of the Masses so that the faithful may raise their voices to God with the schola and choir. Mass XI and IX will soon be heard, and God willing and Mary interceding will then become a regular part of the chants known by the community.