SAINT AGNES CATHEDRAL 533 South Jefferson Springfield, MO 65806
EXTRAORDINARY FORM OF THE MASS: Celebrant Rev. Jeffery A. Fasching
August 22nd 2010 Thirteenth Sunday of Pentecost
Gal: 3, 16-22 Gospel: Luc. 17, 11-19
Mass Schedule August 23th through August 27th
Monday: Saint Philip Benizi, Confessor No Latin Mass.
Tuesday: Saint Bartholomew, Apostle
Wednesday: Saint Louis IX, King
Thursday: Saint Zephyrinus, Pope and Martyr
Friday: Saint Joseph Calasance, Confessor
Visit for the weekly bulletin.
Bulletins are also available on Sundays at the entrance to the Cathedral.
Your prayers are asked for Michael Farrow. Michael has been under instruction in the Catholic faith and will be baptized and confirmed on Friday, August 27th after the daily Mass.
Saint Paul reminds us that God Himself is the “efficient cause” of our salvation. It is only by the shedding of the blood of Jesus Christ on the Cross that our salvation is merited. Faith is the instrument by which this redemption becomes effective in each individual person. God makes us righteous. Righteousness in now made manifest in the person of Christ and in the Gospel.
We should remember that salvation does not depend upon fulfillment of the law, but only faith in the Son of God merits our salvation. It is not the law which saves, but “faith in Jesus Christ.”
Faith in God and in His Church is therefore among our greatest gifts. We must always pray for an increase in faith. We must continue to nourish our faith, grow in it, and cherish it as one of our most prized possessions.
Sincerely in Christ,
Rev. Jeffery A. Fasching