Saturday, February 26, 2011

Bulletin 39

SAINT AGNES CATHEDRAL 533 South Jefferson Springfield, MO 65806 EXTRAORDINARY FORM OF THE MASS: Celebrant Rev. Jeffery A. Fasching

February 27, 2011 Sexagesima Sunday

Epistle: 2 Cor. 11, 19-33; 12, 1-9
Gospel: Luc. 8, 4-15

Mass schedule February 28 through March 4

Monday------Feria----NO LATIN MASS
Friday--------Saint Casimir, Confessor

I believe many of us have really never understood what a tremendous and precious gift the word of God is to us. If we understood it correctly, we would want to receive it with much more reverence. When we hear the word of God it will either bear within us good fruit or bad fruit. It will bear good fruit within us if we are well-disposed to receiving it and we have a sincere desire to take heed to it. On the other hand, it will be bad if we hear it with indifference, distaste, or without our full attention. The word of God is meant to enlighten us and to show us how to fulfill our duties. For many, however, it is blinding and causes them to be cold and indifferent.

The Church Fathers, the prophets, Jesus Christ Himself, His Apostles and their followers all relied on the word of God to strengthen and spread the holy Catholic Faith. When Jonah preached repentance to the Ninevites it was the sacred word that changed their hearts from sinners to penitents! Saint John the Baptist preached the word of God to make know to the world the Messiah. Jesus Christ Himself made constant use of His sacred word among the crowds. It is the word of God that has made and continues to make all the great ones of this world forsake their possessions, their parents, and all their comforts to follow Christ.

The Gospel shows us that of all the people who hear the word of God, only few profit from it. Many hear it but refuse to change their lives or make the sacrifices which God asks of them, so that they might become good and pleasing to Him. They refuse to extricate themselves from toxic and sinful relationships. They won’t abandon people or places that are an occasion of sin for them.

Some people hear God’s word with joy but are not willing to do what it commands. Still others have hard and stubborn hearts. They find fault with God’s word and abuse it. Finally, however, there are those who ardently desire to hear God’s word. They embrace every opportunity God gives them to profit by it.

Let us carefully listen to the word of God. Let us stop sinning. Let us turn away from worldly pleasures, inordinate desires and passions. Let us embrace every opportunity to bear fruit for the sake of our Lord Jesus Christ!

Sincerely in Christ,

Rev. Jeffery A. Fasching