Monday, December 29, 2008
Community Raving about Mass on December 28th!
Also, one of the seminarians from the Diocese of Springfield-Cape Giarardeau attended the Mass "in choro", attending with cassock and surplice and biretta, sitting prominently in the sanctuary. Many of the faithful remarked on how wonderful it was to watch a young semiarian reverence the name of Jesus, taking off his brietta at the utterance of the Holy Name. Joe Kelly is certainly a model for other young seminarians to follow, faithful to the Holy Father's call for reform, reform at the most integral part of priestly life, the offering of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Motu Fever! Motu Proprio Worldwide!
The Extraordinary Form Mass is truly for all!
First Communion Update!
Plenary Indulgence/Mass Schedule Update!
Today's Lesson in Catechism
His Nature
His Attributes
God the Father
God the Son
God the Holy Ghost
While the Classes are geared towards those preparing to the receive the Sacraments, all are invited of any age.
Classes begin at 5:30 on the second floor of the old convent
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Solemnity of the Epiphany of Our Lord
Schedules for Volunteers
Ask a Trad - "Third" Confiteor Controversy
It has come to my attention on more than one occasion that some have questions surrounding the use of the "third" Confiteor (Confiteor before Holy Communion) at the Extraordinary Form Mass in Springfield.
In the reforms published by Blessed Pope John XXIII, this rite was noticeably absent. Nearly fifty years after the publication of that editio typica of the Roman Missal, the "third" Confiteor continues to be said at Masses supposedly said according to the 1962 Missal. Can these Masses be considered to be Holy Masses according to the Mass in force in 1962? Absolutely. Let me explain.
There are a number of reasons why the use of the "third" Confiteor is justified in the Extraordinary Form Mass:
1 It is an immemorial custom, and as such, the faithful more often than not expect it.
2. It is used by Cardinals and others officially representing the Ecclesia Dei Commission
3. The understanding of the Communion Rite in the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite
The use of the "third" Confiteor is a custom that is centuries upon centuries old (an immemorial custom). According to the New Advent Website on Canon Law regarding customs they provide the following:
A custom is an unwritten law introduced by the continuous acts of the faithful with the consent of the legitimate legislator. Custom may be considered as a fact and as a law. As a fact, it is simply the frequent and free repetition of acts concerning the same thing; as a law, it is the result and consequence of that fact. Hence its name, which is derived from consuesco or consuefacio and denotes the frequency of the action. (Cap. Consuetudo v, Dist. i.)
(a) Considered according to extent, a custom is universal, if received by the whole Church; or general (though under another aspect, particular), if observed in an entire country or province; or special, if it obtains among smaller but perfect societies; or most special (specialissima) if among private individuals and imperfect societies. It is obvious that the last-named cannot elevate a custom into a legitimate law.
(b) Considered according to duration, custom is prescriptive or non-prescriptive. The former is subdivided, according to the amount of time requisite for a custom of fact to become a custom of law, into ordinary (i.e. ten or forty years) and immemorial.
(c) Considered according to method of introduction, a custom is judicial or extrajudicial. The first is that derived from forensic usage or precedent. This is of great importance in ecclesiastical circles, as the same prelates are generally both legislators and judges, i.e. the pope and bishops. Extrajudicial custom is introduced by the people, but its sanction becomes the more easy the larger the number of learned or prominent men who embrace it.
(d) Considered in its relation to law, a custom is according to law (juxta legem) when it interprets or confirms an existing statute; or beside the law (prœter legem) when no written legislation on the subject exists; or contrary to law (contra legem) when it derogates from or abrogates a statute already in force.
Now lets say we assume that the "third" Confieor was used prior to the reforms and yet had no way to prove it, and no way to prove that it is still used today by those who celebrate the Extraordinary Form Mass, in this circumstance we would have to discontinue its use. Back to New Advent on how customs can be revoked (my comments in black):
Customs may be revoked by a competent ecclesiastical legislator, in the same way and for the same reasons as other ordinances are abrogated.
Goodbye "third" Confiteor!
A later general law contrary to a general custom will nullify the latter, but a particular custom will not be abrogated by a general law, unless a clause to that effect be inserted. Even such a nullifying clause will not be sufficient for the abrogation of immemorial customs. The latter must be mentioned explicitly, for they are held not to be included in any general legal phrase, however sweeping its terms may be.
Hello "third" Confiteor! This practice was never explicitly abandoned, it was only noticeably absent from the liturgical books. (More on the path this can lead to later)
Customs may likewise be abrogated by contrary customs, or they may lose their legal force by the mere fact that they fall into desuetude. Finally, an authentic declaration that a custom is absolutely contrary to good morals (rumpens nervum disciplinœ) and detrimental to the interests of the hierarchy or of the faithful deprives it of its supposed legal value.
Most of the world retains the "third" Confiteor and hence a contrary universal custom has not found the force of law at this time.
In Masses offered by those from the Ecclesia Dei Commission, the use of the third confiteor is retained, and as such, its enduring use by the Church is recognized by a competent legislator in the matter. Pictures attesting to this fact will be posted soon. The pictures will be extremely important as use by a Bishop constitutes the proof of the confiteors retention even though it was omitted not just from the Roman Missal but from the Pontificale Romanum of bishops.
Plenary Indulgence!
Altar Boy Schedule - January 2009
Octave of the Nativity (Holy Day) - Jared Gibbs (Book) - Dominic Jackson (Bell)
Holy Family - Neil Klump (Thurifer) - Jared Gibbs (Crucifer) - Joshua Kramer (Book) - Austin Hoang (Bell) - Dominic Jackson (Boat) ***ANY ADDITIONAL SERVERS WILL BE ASSIGNED AS TORCH BEARERS***
3rd Sunday - Dominic Jackson (Book) - Michael Kramer (Bell)
4th Sunday - Neil Klump (Book) - Austin Hoang (Bell)
*Alternates for a High Mass will be assigned in the sacristy prior to Mass based on those who arrive*
*Alternates for Low Mass as follows*
Joshua Kramer will be covered by Austin Hoang (1st) Jared Gibbs (2nd)
Michael Kramer will be covered by Neil Klump (1st) Dominic Jackson (2nd)
Dominic Jackson will be covered by Neil Klump (1st) Austin Hoang (2nd)
Austin Hoang will be covered by Joshua Kramer (1st) Jared Gibbs (2nd)
Neil Klump will be covered by Dominic Jackson (1st) Jared Gibbs (2nd)
Jared Gibbs will be covered by Austin Hoang (1st) Joshua Kramer (2nd)
**In February, at LEAST 2 servers will be added to the schedule**
***Any scheduling conflicts? Please call Mike at 417.773.2606***
****Altar Boys are expected to arrive 10-15 minutes before the Mass and vest in their cassock and surplice promptly****
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
And it came to pass, that when they were there, her days were accomplished, that she should be delivered. And she brought forth her firstborn son, and wrapped him up in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger; because there was no room for them in the inn.
Douay-Rheims Bible
Monday, December 22, 2008
Ask a Trad II
A priest COULD lead the congregation in the prayers at the foot of the altar before the Entrance procession or could say them privately himself during the entrance procession as Father Fessio recently admitted he's been doing with the Ordinary Form since learning to offer the Extraordinary Form. A more risky position, one that I will need to do some further research on, is that a priest hypothetically could process out and begin the prayers at the foot of the altar from the words Introibo ad altare Dei etc instead of the Sign of the Cross, and then at their completion, ascend the altar, and begin the Mass as per usual, that is of course unless there is something in the general instruction that prohibts the priest stopping in the entrance procession. But the other two options certainly hold. Regarding the Last Gospel. The Mass is ended literally when the deacon or celebrant says "the Mass is ended", and so anything COULD be done here. However, just like with the prayers at the foot of the altar, my assumption is that it is the intention of the General Instruction for the Roman Missal to instruct the priest to process without delay to the altar at the start of Mass and recess without delay at the end of Mass. THAT being said, It is entirely within the priests rights to do what was originally done with the Last Gospel and recite it from the sacristy, perhaps even over a microphone for the congregation to hear, God willing this would occur after the congregation recited the St. Michael prayer, something that the Holy Father John Paul II, took initial steps to restore to the end of Mass. Intresting times are ahead, we may see changes just like these, particularly the prayers at the foot of the altar, and the St. Michael prayer restored to the Ordinary Form.
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Mass Settings for High Mass, Christmas Carols
After the Feast of the Nativity of Our Blessed Lord Jesus Christ. We will begin to incorporate Mass XI into our Mass settings used at St. Agnes Cathedral. Please print copies of the Kyrie, Gloria, Sanctus, and Agnus Dei, as they are not found in the red Ecclesia Dei booklets. Appropriate links will be posted soon. Check back often as we are not wanting anyone left out!
Christmas Schedule
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Follow Up Reminder
Important Reminder
Monday, December 15, 2008
Springfield Latin Mass Gift Goodies!
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Ask a Trad!
The question is asked: What of the Ordinary of the Mass (Kyrie, Gloria, Creed,etc), must all the parts come from the same Mass setting whether in the Liber, Kyriale, or the work of some composer?
The answer is a resounding NO! You may use the Kyrie from Mass VIII, Gloria from Mass IX, Credo V, Sanctus from Byrd's Mass of Three Voices, and the Agnus Dei from Palestrina's Missa Papa Marcelli. The Gregorian Mass settings in the Liber Usualis are suggestions, they are not binding.
In Springfield, we have High Mass once a month and the choir knows Mass VIII. It will debut Mass XVII shortly for Gaudete Sunday, and then begin incorporating Mass XI into its cycle. It is wise to have at least a few of the Gregorian settings of the Mass known by the Choir. In my opinion, Masses VIII, IX, XI, and XVII are most appropriate if the choir is not professional, or does not meet regularly. It goes without mentioning of course, that the Funeral Mass should be learned.
While this concludes the first "Ask a Trad!" post, I am hoping that in the future we will receive email questions regarding rubrics for beyond the Communion Rail or guidelines for the choir. Any emails sent in this regard will be posted unless the questioner states that he prefer otherwise. God Bless!
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Reform of the Reform in Springfield-Cape Girardeau Diocese!
It is ESSENTIAL to keep in mind that this "Reform of the Reform" is equally as important as the return of the Traditional Rites of the Church. Sacrality must be restored where it was lost, and brought back in forms which were set aside. One Parish at a time.
Monday, December 8, 2008
Attn All!: Catechism Classes Starting!!!
Thursday, December 4, 2008
High Latin Mass DVD
- Full-length instructional video of the Latin High Mass with Incense
- See the priest’s rubrics of the Missa Cantata (High Mass) demonstrated
- Observe the rubrics of liturgical music for the Extraordinary Form
- Video of Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament
- Stunning choral music by the St. Cecilia Choir of St. John Cantius Church, Chicago.
- Evocative rendering of the Gregorian Chant propers and ordinary by the Canons Regular of St. John Cantius
- Organ music by Br. Jonathan Ryan, S.J.C., featuring the church’s 101 year-old Kilgen organ.
- BONUSvideo of sacristy preparation and vesting.
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Upcoming Workshops - Extraordinary Form
Low Mass | | January 26 - 30 (Monday - Friday) | $300.00 |
Low Mass | | April 27 - May 1 (Monday - Friday) | $300.00 |
Sung Mass *NEW* | | June 8 - June 12 (Monday - Friday) | $250.00 |
The Program:
Each workshop comprises a five-day residential course at Our Lady of Guadalupe Seminary including both classroom sessions and practical hands-on instruction. All instruction, training materials, meals, and room & board at the seminary are provided.
Low Mass Workshop:
- A comprehensive introduction to the Extraordinary Form of the Mass and its liturgical principles
- An overview of the 1962 Roman Missal and liturgical calendar
- A complete explanation and demonstration, with practical hands-on instruction, in the ceremony of Low Mass according to the 1962 Roman Missal
- Tips and strategies for gaining proficiency in Latin
- An introduction to Sung Mass and Gregorian Chant
Sung Mass Workshop:
- Comprehensive hands-on instruction and training in the ceremonies of Sung and Solemn Mass
- Comprehensive overview and practice in the chants of the Sung Mass
- Complete training in all the altar server positions for Sung Mass
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Our History & Tradition
The Latin Mass Community of Springfield Missouri is a traditional Catholic network within the Diocese of Springfield - Cape Girardeau and under the pastoral care of our local bishop. Our community consists of people of all ages, but we are particularly seeing growth among the youth and young families. All are welcome to join us for worship. While we hold no animosity toward the Ordinary Form of the liturgy, we are particularly appreciative of the solemnity and beauty offered by the Traditional Latin Mass. We are also mindful of those customs which were common to the Church prior to the 1970s. These include the use of Latin prayers, modest dress, chapel veils, Gregorian chant, frequent confessions along with a general appreciation for all things traditional. We are not a sect apart from the mainstream Church, but rather a community within the Diocese, seeking to enrich Catholic culture in Southwest Missouri, and become a blessing to all the parishes around us.
The Traditional Latin Mass (TLM), also known as the "Tridentine Mass," "Gregorian Mass," and "Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite," is the classical Latin Mass that was celebrated throughout nearly all of the western world prior to the introduction of the Novus Ordo Missae of Pope Paul VI in 1969. For some time after this, the TLM was relegated to obscurity until 1984 when Pope John Paul II issued a Letter entitled "Quattor abhinc annos" which provided a means for the TLM to make a restricted, but highly anticipated return. Due to increasing frequency of requests the Holy Father issued a Motu Proprio (decree of his own accord) in 1988 entitled "Ecclesia Dei" which created the 'Priestly Fraternity of Saint Peter' and encouraged the bishops to allow generous use of the Traditional Latin Mass upon request within their local diocese.
On July 7th, 2007, Pope Benedict XVI issued another Motu Proprio on the TLM, entitled "Summorum Pontificum." Not even a generation after Ecclesia Dei was written, Summorum Pontificum clarified to all the faithful that the TLM had never been revoked and hence was indeed always permitted. Thus, to allow for the document to have its intended effect, a substantial increase in the number of TLM's, the former requirement to seek permission from the local ordinary was abolished. The Holy Father then addressed the Bishops, encouraging them to see to it that those requesting the TLM were provided for if a local priest could not be found, and in cases where it would be appropriate, to establish parishes exclusively dedicated to the TLM.
On February 10th, 2008, Bishop John J. Leibrecht established upon consultation with Father Fergus Monaghan, a monthly Traditional Latin Mass at Holy Trinity Church in Springfield Missouri, to be offered by Monsignor Raymond Orf. The event was widely covered by the Springfield news media, as it was the first Traditional Latin Mass to be celebrated in the city in over thirty years.
Father Joseph Orthel also began providing a weekly Traditional Latin Mass at Saint Peter the Apostle Church in Stockton Missouri, in his capacity as pastor, as provided for in Summorum Pontificum. Father James Vann Johnston, of Knoxville Tennessee, was consecrated as the new bishop on March 31st, 2008 taking possession of the See of Springfield - Cape Girardeau after Bishop Leibrecht's retirement. Shortly thereafter, Father Orthel was transferred to Saint Agnes Cathedral in Springfield, wherein Sunday and weekday celebrations of the TLM began at the Cathedral on July 1st, 2008. Gradually celebrations of the Traditional Latin Mass began cropping up in surrounding areas of Southwest Missouri. With that Pope Benedict XVI's liturgical renewal was underway in our Diocese.
Three SW Missouri Men Seek Priesthood
Below is the text...
(Springfield, MO) -- Practicing religion on a regular basis is something more and more young adults are taking into consideration.
But there's also a small group of people taking it a step further and choosing to commit for life.
The priesthood is a vocation inside the catholic church that takes a lot of intense preparation and soul searching. It's a call to service many young men are deciding to answer.
Prayer is what helps keep a group of Springfield brothers together.
The Kelly's all have a common goal ,and that is to become Catholic priests.
"It started when I was very young. I think I was in kindergarten when I first felt to be called a priest. My dad and I were going to mass one day, and I saw a priest walk by and I looked up at my dad and I said 'Dad I want to be a father' meaning I want to be priest. And ever since then the calling has always been in my heart," said Joe Kelly.
Joe is 20-years-old and is the youngest of the three and the first in his family to answer the call from Christ.
"I want to help souls that may be lost or who may be struggling. Even those who are at task with their lives or those that know what they are doing. I want to keep encouraging them and just keep helping them," he said...
read full story here
100th Anniversary Celebration of St. Francis de Sales Oratory in Saint Louis
The occasion was none other than the 100th Anniversary Celebration of the dedication of this church, and the Oratory of St. Francis de Sales was packed to standing-room only last Sunday, the 23rd of November. An estimated 1,200 souls came to assist at the Pontifical Solemn High Mass celebrated by the Apostolic Administrator of the Archdiocese of St. Louis, Bishop Robert Hermann.
This magnificent church, now an Oratory administered by the Institute of Christ the King Sovereign Priest was completed and dedicated for sacred use on November 26, 1908. One hundred years later, in his sermon Bishop Hermann pointed out the Oratory as a treasure for the whole Archdiocese, with the verticality of its architecture and its liturgy, and with the spirituality of St. Francis de Sales.
“We are not drawn to God by iron chains, but by sweet attractions and holy inspirations,” wrote St. Francis de Sales (d.1622), affectionately known as the “Gentleman Saint,” a Doctor of the Church, and the patron saint of this church. The splendid liturgy on Sunday was a perfect illustration of “sweet attractions and holy inspirations” meant by St. Francis de Sales, and the “verticality” spoken of by the Bishop. The same liturgy did for us last Sunday as it did for the congregation of one hundred years ago: it lifted our gaze and expanded our hearts upward, toward things eternal and toward God....
read full story here
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Gregorian Chant Revival!!!
All Invited!!!
Learn Kyrie, Sanctus, Agnus Dei for Advent
Learn Hymns that will be used during Advent
Get more familiar with Gregorian Chant
Join this effort to revive Gregorian Chant!
posted by Michael Kramer
Sunday, August 10, 2008
The Latin Mass Community at St. Agnes Cathedral in Springfield is in need of help. Please consider donating some time. We need more volunteers if we want to continue having a Tridentine mass in the Springfield area... VIEW APPLICATION HERE
Sunday, July 27, 2008
August 15 - Feast of The Assumption
Holy Day of Obligation: An extraordinary-form Latin mass will be celebrated at 7:00 pm on Friday, August 15, at St. Agnes Cathedral. This will be Father Orthel's first sung mass.
Friday, July 18, 2008
Diocesan Priest Attends Sacred Music Workshop
Fr. Joseph Orthel attended the ‘Midwest Gregorian Chant Workshop’ sponsored by the Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas at the Benedictine College in Atchison, Ks. The objective of three day workshop was to learn to sing sacred music of the Catholic Church at Mass. Andrew Mills, from New York City, a member of ‘Church Music Association of America’; and choir director at St. Agnes across from Grand Central Station in New York City, was the chantmaster and clinician for the Gregorian chant portion of the workshop. The workshop was advertised for people beginning an interest in Gregorian chant, but the experience level of the participants included choir directors with PhD degrees in music. As the group progressed in learning, a chanted Novus Ordo High Mass was offered daily. At the conclusion of the workshop on Saturday, Fr. Orthel was called into service as a priest to say the anticipatory Mass for the group. Fr. Orthel admitted his limited experience in the musical field but provided the group with a very spiritually moving, entirely chanted Mass to bring the workshop to a close. Lucas Tappan, from the St. Lawrence Catholic Center in Lawrence, Ks taught polyphony to the group. Polyphony is another form of sacred music in the Church.
Monday, July 14, 2008
High Latin Mass At St. Agnes Cathedral In Springfield
You can now order a customized bumper sticker to help promote the Traditional Latin Mass in Southern Missouri...
To place you're order, you'll need to create a free account with "" first. Simply click the link to get started.
By placing your bumper sticker prominently on your vehicle, you'll be letting others in your area know there are places in our diocese where they can worship God in total reverence and solemnity, honoring the ancient traditions of the Catholic Church, and in total union with our bishop and the pope.
Sunday, July 6, 2008
Cancellations In Springfield
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Springfield Missouri will now be the home of Traditional Catholicism in the Ozarks. His Excellency, Bishop James Vann Johnston, has transferred Father Joseph Orthel from Stockton to St. Agnes Cathedral in Springfield effective July 1st, 2008. Once there, Father Orthel will celebrate the Traditional Latin mass during the week and on ALL Sundays.
Details to follow....
Fr. Joseph Orthel will celebrate the extraordinary form of the Latin rite at St. Agnes Cathedral in Springfield beginning Tuesday July 1. The new schedule at St. Agnes will be each Sunday, Mass at 7:00 P.M. with confessions from 6:00 - 6:45, weekday Mass starting at 12:15 P.M on Tue-Fri with confessions from 11:30 - 12:00. There will not be a Latin Mass in Stockton after Sunday June 15 as Fr. Orthel will be on vacation moving to Springfield to accept his new assignment at the Cathedral. The extraordinary form of the Latin Mass scheduled on the second Sunday of each month at Holy Trinity Church will be transferred to the Cathedral with Monsignor Raymond Orf as the celebrant.
Saturday, May 17, 2008
High Latin Mass in Springfield
"We had a high Mass last Sunday and we will continue to have the sung Mass (if we have enough male servers). We do need more servers to train and choir members. Some of the comments included "I experienced a little touch of heaven" and "The music brought tears to my eyes". Also, anyone wanting to donate for vestments, cassocks and all altar supplies can write a check to the "Latin Mass Community" of Springfield at Mass in June. We are selling the Latin-English missals at Mass for $4.00."If you would like to offer your assistance for the sung High Mass, contact Richard Holland at:
Friday, May 16, 2008
Latin Mass Tutorial DVD and CD Audio
Monday, March 31, 2008
New Bishop Installed Today
(KOLR 10) - Catholics in Springfield saw something they haven't seen in nearly 24 years.
A new bishop being ordained at the Springfield-Cape Girardeau Diocese.
The Diocese welcomed the new bishop in an ordination and instillation mass Monday featuring church hierarchy from around the country.
They came to Springfield to ordain Father James Vann Johnston as the Diocese's sixth bishop.
Bishop Johnston replaces the outgoing bishop john Leibrecht, who is retiring.
Bishop Johnston most recently served in the diocese of Knoxville, Tennessee....
read full article here
Friday, March 21, 2008
Tridentine Mass In Carthage Missouri
Saturday, February 16, 2008
Springfield News-Leader's Continued Coverage
Return to tradition
Hundreds gather at Holy Trinity Catholic Church to observe Springfield's first Latin Mass.
Linda Leicht
Monsignor Raymond Orf stood before the altar at Holy Trinity Catholic Church and uttered the words "In nomine Patris" for the first time in more than 40 years.The 80-year-old priest celebrated the traditional Latin Mass last Sunday and has agreed to do the same monthly.
"It just hit me this morning," Orf, a priest for 53 years, told the more than 200 people gathered for the first Latin Mass in Springfield. "I am preparing for my first Mass."
For Virginia Smithberg, it was an experience that brought her back to her own first Mass.
"I grew up going to Mass every day in our school," said Smithberg, who lovingly held the Latin missal she used as a student and brought out for the service. "It was kind of like a reconnecting to my early spirituality."
Tridentine Mass
For Roman Catholics, the Latin Mass represents more than an ancient language. It is a form of worship that harks back to the Council of Trent in the 16th century, when the use of Latin was instituted. The Latin Mass is sometimes called the Tridentine Mass in recognition of the council....
Monday, February 11, 2008
Revival of Latin Mass in Springfield
(The Springfield News Leader) - The servers flanked Orf, on their knees, sometimes placing their heads on the step before them. "Quia tu es, Deus, fortitudo mea ..." — "For thou, O God, art my strength" — they replied.
The prayers continued, a back and forth between the elderly priest and the young servers, all male.
Then, Orf ascended to the altar, lifted his arms up, his palms open, to pray for forgiveness of sins and pure minds. After kissing the altar, he turned around to face the more than 200 people who had attended the historic event.
"Dominus vobiscum," Orf intoned.
"Et cum spiritu tuo," the congregation replied.
"The Lord be with you."
"And with thy spirit."
The voices came from young and old, from women in hats or lace cloths on their heads, from many with bare heads, from those with well-worn missals, many saved from their youth, or those who got a copy of the bright red booklets at the back of the church. Some replied easily from memory. Others stumbled with the unfamiliar language...
...Mike Kramer, 20, who was one of the servers, would prefer to experience the Mass only in Latin.
"Everything in this Mass is completely timeless," he said. "It's from Christian antiquity. If you worship this way, you are worshipping the same way your great-great-grandmother did. In some ways, it's your only connection to them.
"There is a bond there with your entire family tree, that is only accessible through this."
For Sharon Hollars, who attended Sunday with her 84-year-old mother, Lucille Holars, the experience transcended language:
"It's just beautiful."
read full story here
Monday, February 4, 2008
A Historic Event - Tridentine Mass Celebrated In Southern Missouri
Friday, February 1, 2008
St. Agnes Cathedral
533 S Jefferson Ave. (website, directions)
phone: (417) 831-3565
Holy Mass
Sunday at 2:30 pm
Eucharistic Adoration at 12:45
Confessions from 1:00 - 2:00 pm
Holy Rosary or Benediction 2:00 pm
Tuesday through Friday at 12:15 pm
with confessions from 11:30 am - 12:00 pm
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Spiritual Bouquet of Rosaries for the New Bishop
New and Simple Internet Address
Please spread the word!
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Springfield Mass Time Has Been Changed
ATTENTION: The Latin Mass time for February 10th, 2008 at Holy Trinity Church has been changed to 2pm. Please forward this information to everyone you know, and refer them to this blog for further updates. Thank you.
We Have A NEW Bishop
From the 'Kansas City Catholic' blog:
a letter from a parishioner in Knoxville Tennessee.......
Fr. Johnston, a bright canon lawyer (and former electrical engineer) is absolutely orthodox and straight-down-the-line in support of Faith and Pope. This has shown up in an unusual way in his practice of correcting (in following responses) any heterodox claims made in letters to our diocesan biweekly.
This appointment is great news for everyone in Springfield-Cape Girardeau who loves properly and reverently celebrated liturgy, including those who seek the traditional Latin Mass. He has been a warm and encouraging chancery friend of the Knoxville Latin Mass community, and probably was largely responsible for our original indult.
It is a special loss for the parish where he was just appointed pastor about six months ago, and in that short time the daily Masses I attend have been completely "squared away" (Roman Canon on all feasts and solemnities, etc.), new more traditional hymnals have been ordered, altar servers now wear cassocks and surplices, hold communion patens and receive on the tongue, and discussion has been initiated about moving the tabernacle back to a central position behind the altar.
It is gratifying to see a priest like Fr. Johnston plucked out a remote location like ours and appointed to the episcopacy, but his departure will be a personal loss to everyone here who knows him well. Not least in that -- his so clearly being episcopal timber -- so many of us were hoping he would be staying here as our own new bishop....
read full letter here
more information here
Monday, January 21, 2008
Location of Springfield Latin Mass
The Springfield Traditional Latin Mass (TLM) will be at 2pm on Sunday, February 10th, 2008. The location is Holy Trinity Church on E. Bennett Street...
Friday, January 18, 2008
Learn The Latin Mass
Download Flyer -- Get The Word Out!
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Help Needed In Springfield
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Chapel Veils
![Catholic Women Pray at 2007 Latin Mass in St. Louis](
This information is for the ladies who wish to participate in the ancient Catholic and Biblical custom of veiling (1st Corinthians 11). Canon Law no longer requires women to wear veils, but it remains the normal custom for those who attend the Traditional Latin Mass (TLM). In some places, the custom is even returning to the New Vernacular Mass.
You can learn how to make your own chapel veil for about $3 (cost of material). These wonderful instructions come to us from Allena Jackson. (Click Here to See)
The following is a short list of online retailers who specialize in chapel veils and prayer shawls for women....
- Headcoverings By Devorah - Pretty and feminine! Modesty does not mean frumpy! (This site markets primarily to Jewish women but the products are identical to those worn by Catholic women.)
- Fashion Scarves & Shawls (Beautiful shawls make the ideal veil, but also serve a practical purpose as a shoulder wrap when not in prayer.)
- Spindle and Wheel
- Modesty Veils
Monday, January 14, 2008
Basic Supplies for Mass
The Ultimate Missal !
The most complete Latin-English Missal ever produced! This is the first time that a Tridentine Latin/English daily missal has been newly typeset in over 40 years! The 1,980 pages of this missal include the complete texts of the liturgy in both Latin and English. This Missal also contains prayers not found in other similar missals. It's a great buy for $65. ORDER HERE
1962 Missal My Sunday Missal Explained by Father Stedman. (Latin Tridentine, pre-1962). The perfect pocket-size Missal for Mass!
This is a new but exact reproduction edition of this famous and most popular missal. It contains the complete Masses for Sundays, Holy Days, important feast days of St. Joseph, Christ the King, Mass for the dead, and the Nuptial Mass. Only $25. ORDER HERE
A new edition to celebrate the Motu Proprio Summorum Pontificum issued by Pope Benedict XVI on Saturday 7th July 2007.
This 21st Century edition of the traditional Missal of the Tridentine Rite is published with a new 21st Century Imprimatur. (A unique feature for an old missal.) The binding and cover is beautiful and elegant. Price: $55 ORDER HERE
This is the first ever edition that includes the complete Gregorian Chant for the Little Office – in traditional four stave notation! The music for the Little Office has never before been gathered together in one volume. For many people the Gregorian chant of the Little Office offers an introduction to the beauty of the Church’s traditional liturgical heritage. This volume will help you sing all the Hours of the Little Office. Price: $30 ORDER HERE
Let these Booklet Missals guide YOU to a fuller, more prayerful participation in the old Mass in Latin. Each booklet provides a compact source for praying the old Mass in Latin as well as other traditional prayers and meditations. Large, clear print, classic illustrations and concise explanations make this most recent edition easy to follow for anyone unfamiliar with the rituals of the Tridentine Latin Mass (1962 Missale Romanum) and other time-honored prayers of the Catholic Faith. Price: $7 each ORDER HERE
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Transforming The Alter
I thought this little video would be helpful to our current situation. The following is an example of how a traditional and contemporary Catholic community can exist together, in harmony, within the same parish. (The ideal state.) The video below ("Transformation of the Alter") was filmed in France, so you'll have to excuse the French titles. Nevertheless, the video is pretty much self explanatory. Here we see the transformation of a typical contemporary alter after a typical contemporary mass. With a few custom made pieces, a little creativity, and a lot of love for historic tradition, the alter undergoes a metamorphosis which makes it suitable for the Traditional (Latin) mass that follows. Because the pieces are portable, they can be taken down just as easily. Indeed they would have to be in parishes where no historic high-alter exists. The basic materials used for the structure are of minimal cost, and could easily be acquired at Lowes or Home Depot. The rest is just window dressing to make it look pretty, and I suppose fabrics and lace could easily be acquired at Wal-Mart. Large candlestick holders could also be found for a reasonable price with a little shopping, as well as the candles themselves. (I would advise contacting a place that rents the non-drip kind for weddings, and find out how we could purchase some at a reasonable price.) Probably the most expensive item is the tabernacle itself, and it would be advisable to get one that is light weight for obvious reasons.
Latin (Tridentine) Mass In Southern Missouri
Initial celebration in Springfield will begin on a monthly basis, starting February 10th at Holy Trinity Church (website, directions). The exact time has not been set in stone, but so far it looks like 2pm. Monsignor Raymond Orf will preside. Its success will depend entirely on the Catholic people of Springfield and the surrounding region. Regular turnout and participation is the key.
This blog was created by Mr. Shane Schaetzel - 4th degree knight (email, profile), as a communication forum for Missouri Catholics (particularly those in Southern Missouri), interested in the Tridentine mass, and the historic tradition of the Catholic Church.